I denne oppgaven har jeg valgt å gå for en mer realistisk animasjon, enn cartoon animasjon. Men samtidig så fikk jeg veldig lyst til å lage litt overdrevne "svaier/svingninger" med b.l.a armene. Dette går inn på animasjonsprinsippet "arc" Hvor armene får en fin flyt i motsetning til f.eks et mekanisk objekt. Dette gjelder også i andre deler som f.eks i en walkcycle hvor jeg må tenke på hvilke ledd som bever seg først og hvilke som følger etter og får bevegelsen litt senere. Dette er morrosamt vett!
9/16/2010 06:16:08 am

Hey Chris, and thanks for the comment on my blog.

I looked at your animation, and it looks pretty good. A few things here and
there, but noones perfect. I like how you added some motion on the hands

when he dangles his arms, the overlapping action really seals the deal that

he is human. The sphere also looks pretty heavy.

There is a few things that i think is lacking. You have animated the

shoulders when he stretches, but not in the rest of the animation. Hes

fingers are also missing movement.

When he bends down to grap the spehere, his arms are leading. This is not

normal for adults. Its normal for small children to be led by there hands,

but adults generaly study the object then later, send there hands to


Also, when he bends down. His balancepoint is a bit off. Even my non-animating girlfriend saw this. Next time you animate, watch out for this. If the balance isent good, everything will be a waste. The viewer will instantly see thers something wrong.

But dont get me wrong! Its a very good animation.
I see you implemented a few arc reversals.
Keep up to good work.


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